Thursday, February 24, 2011

At Annie's school and at home, Z likes to play and help out
Lots of 'stock phrases' developing:
"something else" if you offer him something he doesn't want, today "something loco" referring to last night's el pollo loco dinner
"No, ME talk" when he wants a turn reading a book
"Goody! Goody!"
"Wipe Bumby" (on potty when he needs help)
"Calm Down" (to mom and dad if we are excited or angry)
"Almost done?"
"What's that noise?"
"Need help"
And the best ones yet, we are all now "bears": "mamabear," "dadabear" "hunny or ezza bear" (ezra) and "babybear" or "zanebear"

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Enjoying rhythm child drumming at sam's 2nd bday party

Sunday, February 13, 2011

At the top of Runyan Canyon

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Zane turns Two! We go to traveltown and Griffith Park and have a "spidahman" party to celebrate

Current stats: 34 inches; 30 pounds

More "zane-ism's": we are now the bear family "mamabear," "dadabear," "ezzabear" or "hunnybear" and "zanebear" or "baby bear"

Zane loves lunch and lunchboxes

Friday, February 11, 2011

Final swim class at Constantia's before moving on to the Y

Sunday, February 6, 2011

"oh goody goody"

New haircut!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"tsnack me! nana me!" zane loves his snacks
and pretends that "mommy butter" and "daddy toast" so he can eat us all up